Friday, November 23, 2012

Must Be Macau

Early (like really early) we left Hop Inn to catch our preferred ferry schedule going to Macau. We got a little lost because we never thought that the terminal is actually inside a mall. We went there early because we did not pre-book or reserve any tickets. 

From HK we went to the Kowloon Terminal or the China Ferry Terminal. It's actually walking distance from our hotel (or Nathan Road) if you're not in a hurry or plainly you like walking. A one way ticket (Kowloon-Macau-Kowloon) costs HK$147 for Weekdays and HK$163 for Weekends (TurboJet pricing). To get ideas on ferry rates and schedules try visiting TurboJet, one of the known ferry line in HK.

After roughly 2 hours, sail time and all the walking and transfers, we finally hopped in a Galaxy Macau bus which was waiting outside the terminal. Hotel buses are free! So beware of scammers asking for certain fee to get in the bus. Even the ones in the main city for hotel hopping tour, all for free!

We were a bit early for check in but good thing they have a baggage counter where we can leave our bags while we check out the whoooole hotel. So here are some photos from the very beautiful Galaxy Macau.

This is the ceiling shot of their very nice fountain. 
See how I captured all 4 same photos but with different colors!

Same with the main fountain (or chandelier as more visible in these photos).

And this wall panel as well! This one is my fave, I love how grandeur this one looks like!

Giant Christmas decors in the lobby.

Julius with the jackpot prize in the hotel's casino.

These are the gigantic gem like design in the other entrance at the back part of the hotel. Loving the rainbow feel in this area! This way leads us to the bus terminal of all the hotel buses in the city. Yey for free tours. 

Around 2pm we finally checked in and rest a bit. We were not able to visit the famous tourist spots in Macau because mr. weather wasn't really cooperative. It was raining non-stop and we didn't want to get sick. So we just prepared for a trip to the famous Venetian Macau Hotel. Again, a free bus ride from our hotel to the Venetian (and all other big hotels in the area). 

Venetian is a hotel, mall and casino in one. Famous for their Venice-like theme, you can spot tourists from different races all in one place. We had dinner by the food court and walked around the mall to see if we can get something to take home.

Sab's weird pose.

Love this dome ceiling and all the details towards the pathway going to the casino. Of course, we did not go in, mommy and daddy duties!

 Christmas tree somewhere in the middle of the complex.

And the highlight... this super nice blue sky! I thought it was real! We were faked! Awesome design and workmanship equals perfect blue sky inside the Venetian! (It was after 5 minutes that it was raining when we arrived.)

Like what I mentioned earlier, Venice-like. Complete with the man made canal and the gondola (and the gondola guy in uniform). 

And more Christmas decor! Cute carriage with a gingerbread house inside it.

And lastly, views from outside the hotels. 

View from Galaxy's bus terminal.

View from one of Venetian's exits.

We enjoyed Macau even if we were not able to visit the tourist spots. The staycation was worth it. It was a good decision as well so we can rest from all the walking we did in HK. I will definitely go back here. The misty weather here is just perfect!


Thursday, November 22, 2012

Ngong Ping 360 and Hong Kong Disneyland | HK Day 2

Hello second day! 

Today is the day we are all excited about, Disney day! But before we head to the happiest place on earth, Julius wanted to check out the Nike shop along Nathan Road to get something to add to his Janoski collection. Picture picture along Park Lane!

Happy daddy got a new pair of his fave shoe line Nike SB Janoski! Way cheaper than the ones you can get from Manila. Definitely something he'll do again when we go back here.

From Nathan Road, we took the Tsuen Wan line train then transfer to Tung Chung line to get to Ngong Ping 360.  Famous for their very long cable car, they also offer tour around the Lantau Island. We did not take any tour because we are still going to Disneyland and we don't have much time. 

I advise that you pre-book your cable car tickets online. There is an express line for those who have booked online, unlike us, we had to line up around 30 to 40 minutes just to get our tickets. From their website Ngong Ping 360, you can see the other activities that you can do in Lantau Island. You can also see the different kind of cabins that they offer. Also, please check website for scheduled maintenance.

A round trip ticket cost about HK$135 (around Php770) per person. Discounted rate for children and seniors is also available. 

Me and Sab (busy eating her french fries) a tumbling away from the escalator going to Ngong Ping cable car deck. 

Julius just in front of us, showing the condominiums around the area. There's also a mall to our right where you can get good deals. More like a factory outlet of some good brands.
Us in line while waiting for our cable car :)

Panoramic shot of our view going to Lantau Island.

Family picture inside the cable car. Thankful may nakasabay kame Filipino sa cable car and was nice enough to take our picture!

The big buddha at Po Lin Monastery from afar. 

After the cable car ride, we ran our way to catch the next train to Sunny Bay station so we can transfer to the Disneyland Resort Line. We were hoping to catch the 3pm parade show.

Some photos while waiting for the Disney train!

And  a selfie shot with the cute train window design. Everything is sooo Mickey in here! There were Disney character mini statues in this train's posts. 

TADAAA!!! Welcome to Hong Kong Disneyland

They say this is probably the happiest place on earth. Well, things didn't go smoothly for us. I pre-booked our Disney tickets online using my mom's credit card. Having all the copies of the credit card, IDs and the confirmed booking, I was confident that we can get in right away. Unfortunately, they are very strict with using credit cards to purchase park tickets. We had to buy a new set of tickets using our own money and they gave us instructions on how we can get refund for the first set that we bought online. I was close to crying because of this hassle but I decided not to let this get into my excitement and happiness. 

Tickets are priced at HK$450 (around Php2570) for adults and HK$320 (around Php1820) for kids aged 3-11 years old. Sab got in for free, YEY!

Please don't mind the Thank You for Visiting, we visited late in the afternoon and we cannot get good shots from the Welcome area. 

Again, thanks to our lovely kababayans for this shot. Happy to get a complete family picture in front of the Mickey garden. 

It was Christmas season already so there were few mascots in Christmas costumes!

One of the parks inside Disneyland. Me and Sab talking while we wait for Jed and Audrey. 

Look at all those people heading to the exit after the castle fireworks show. 
Love the streetlights and Christmas combined vibes. There's even a fake snow coming from these 'establishments'. I felt like a kid again!

Sungit and tired Julius. 

The Christmas tree! Do you see those balloons? They're superbly cute but we did not buy anymore because it's too expensive plus we can't bring it home.
Well this is a really happy place for kids and kids at heart like me. The gift shop is the best, like you want to buy everything. We know that there are Disney merchandise everywhere in the world but the items sold in their gift shop are unique and I don't remember seeing anything like those in Manila.

All other information like other ticket passes, park information and overview, the Disney hotel, and more, check out their website here. I suggest you check out the website before going to see the park schedule and the activities that may be available during your trip.

Knocked out from all the super fun and tiring activities today! 
